Source Code


when a woman becomes pregnant, offspring is conceived.

Many people do not know this, but Mario and I had a sister who died before she was conceived.

by Inspector Harry Bush August 22, 2003

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shittin tulips

nervous; feeling uneasy, worried, or frightened.

When Fr. Emo was asked to reveal the names of the boys he molested, Mario was shittin tulips.

by Inspector Harry Bush August 18, 2003

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take a deuce

to take a shit.

After I eat a garbage plate from Wyatt's, I imagine it will be about time for me to take a deuce.

by Inspector Harry Bush August 22, 2003

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sexually molested

My brother was emoed.

by Inspector Harry Bush August 21, 2003

20πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

grab it by the base

what a girl with skill does when she is giving a guy a blow job.

"She used to grab it by the base...she'd talk to it...it was amazing", said Kevin.

by Inspector Harry Bush August 22, 2003

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The Hounds

a pack of smelly dogs who used to live in back of a gas station in Geneva, New York. The Hounds were not well-liked by many people who encountered them. These rancid beasts barked incessantly, and smelled of dog shit.

The hounds were filthy animals whose asses reeked of corn chips.

by Inspector Harry Bush August 18, 2003

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Sister Rambo

a nun who was feared by her students, and anyone else who encountered her. Sr. Rambo was big and strong, and could beat the living shit out of anyone who got on her bad side.

Sister Rambo was so strong, not even Rocky Fratto could fight her and win.

by Inspector Harry Bush August 21, 2003

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