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A Bahariterran word for someone who is crazy or full of nonsense conspiracy theories such as theory claiming that Earthquakes are caused by magical fairies in Greenland.

Mike is a Konjukerapaahee and he thinks that the US president is a cannibalistic alien from hell.

by Island Brooio December 14, 2022

Bahariterra Bank

An undersea plateau containing the islands of Bahariterra.

The Bahariterra Bank is diverse with fish and coral.

by Island Brooio May 20, 2022

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Grand Bahamas Bank

An undersea plateau containing the islands of Grand Bahamas and Elbow Caye.

The Grand Bahamas Bank is huge !

by Island Brooio May 20, 2022

Bermuda Platform

An undersea platform containing the island of Bermuda which is similar to the Grand Bahamas Bank, Cay Sal Bank, and Bahariterra Bank

We're robbing the Bermuda Platform of it's coral.

by Island Brooio May 20, 2022

Screwed off the top like bottle caps

A Bahariterran way of calling someone or something crazy.

My aunt from Bahariterra is screwed off the top like bottle caps

by Island Brooio June 17, 2022