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scarf of sexual preferance

the scarf used by hogwarts to determine the sexual orientation of it's students. the scarf also marries the sorting hat. most people when asked where they were sorted will answer where the scarf sorted them before the hat.

After being sorted by the sorting hat and the scarf of sexual preferance:
Harry: 'Hey guys, what did you get sorted as'
Ron: 'Bi-curious'
Hermione: 'Waiting till marriage'

by It's a robot November 24, 2010

36👍 9👎

red vines

the totally awsome snack featured in a very potter sequal. They are useful and tasty replacements for wands.

Ron: 'Stupefy,Red vines, what the hell can't they do?'

by It's a robot November 24, 2010

286👍 72👎