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What "brings all the boys to the yard" and causes them to fall in love with you and do whatever you want.

If you're milkshake is really good you don't even have to ask, they do it automatically.

A milkshake is a female's mojo. Something that can't be taught but is inborn. Either you have it or you don't.

That coupled with looks is magic.

Rachel had every guy on the street after her when she walked down the road. Her milkshake can't be beat.

Amy's boyfriend gave her 100'000's of dollars and she didn't even ask for it. Her personality, her pussy, her beauty and that magic something make guys do whatever she desires and she dosen't even have to ask for it.

Brit gets everything for free her milkshake is so bangin.

by It's better than yours..... February 15, 2010

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