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Family Foreplay

When you do sexual things with a family member such as blowjob , handjob , fingering , etc. and enjoy it.

Guy 1: So what is the worst thing you have ever done with a guy?
Girl 1: I gave a blowjob!

Guy 1: To who?
Girl 1: My step cousin

Guy 2: ohhhhh, sounds like someone likes a little Family Foreplay

by It happened. October 23, 2011

33👍 10👎

blow my ears out

The activity of listening to Dubstep at a maximum volume for a long period of time.

Guy 1: Dude, I am so bored.

Guy 2: Well what do you want to do?

Guy 1: I don't know about you, but I am going to go blow my ears out.

by It happened. October 31, 2011