Source Code

Hydrogen Peroxide

Something that can kill you if you drink it!
Its formula is H2O2!
It is proof that oxygen is like the human race... murdering as well as life-sustaining.

PS... It is not all bad, it can be used as a steriliser and as a teeth whitener, just DON'T DRINK IT!

Guy 1: I need a drink... Ahhh a cup of water.
Guy 1: Relax m8, it's just an extra oxygen atom...
Guy 2: But Oxygen is like the human race... it's...
(Guy 1 goes all pale and dies)
Guy 2: NOOOO, H2O2 kills... I didn't make that obvious??? WAAAAAAAA

by Itz Rob May 1, 2016

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Trump Presidential Campaign, 2000

The lesser known, and of course... less successful Trump campaign. He...
1) Ran for the Reform Party nomination,
2) Announced his candidacy on th 19th day of October 1999,
3) Dropped out after getting no delegates in CA.

Some person: 2016 is the first time Trump has been involved in politics.
Me: No, read up about the Trump Presidential Campaign, 2000!

by Itz Rob December 24, 2016

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Alternating lag

Rare but really annoying form of lag, it gives you anywhere from 0.5 to 1.5 seconds of freeze, and then flips to 0.5 to 1.5 seconds of decent FPS.

So, I have half a second to run away from these blazes, before it freezes me for 1.5 seconds, to so I DON'T experience to full fun of running away from blazes... FUCK YOU TO HELL, Alternating lag!

by Itz Rob August 27, 2016

Pulling a George Washington

V/ To work from home... Named after the fact that George Washington was the only president to never ACTUALLY live in the white house. Instead, he governed from Mount Vernon!

Once, I forgot to hand in my work for French... Good job the lesson was on Thursday, and my then-teacher of French liked pulling a George Washington on Fridays.

by Itz Rob November 27, 2016

Secular Talk

A radio/YouTube show where some 28 y/o, squeaky New Yorker called Kyle Kulinski talks Liberal, secular politics, New Atheism, and sexual jokes.
Regularly rants against: Ann Coulter, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Obama, money in politics, religion, conservatism, war.
Regularly rants for: Bernie Sanders, weed, healthcare, Jill Stein, free speech, secularism, Atheism.

Hater: Secular Talk is a squeaky fagit, fam.
Me: He's squeaky, but there's no evidence of homosexuality here.

by Itz Rob February 11, 2017

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Anthony Charles Lynton Blair

Dude, if you typed this in... you are WAY too keen (like me), go to the Tony Blair page already.

Anthony Charles Lynton Blair was the UKPM from 1997 to 2007.

by Itz Rob September 10, 2016

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Calcium Stearate

1) Scum
2) A white, powdery substance (C36H70CaO4, learned about in GCSE triple chemistry) made by soap (C18H35NaO2) reacting with permanent hard water ions ("Ca2+") to make "lathering" much more difficult. This is not to be confused with scale, which is made by boiling temporary hard water.

1) Politicians? Utter bags of Calcium stearate, they are!
2) In South England, we have mostly hard water. Yes, it lines the bath with calcium stearate sometimes, but the nutrients are great.

by Itz Rob October 26, 2016