Source Code


A term coined by Kory Khener in a desperate attemp to appear as a h4x0r. His 1337 skills made other people so jelous that they accused him of hacking when he really was doing no such thing. Using this name will result in getting banned from many a server.

Also the name of the greatest band in the world from the small town of Massapequa.

Vote kick ROFLbot yo'! He's got 1137 hax like yahm or something.

by JT February 8, 2005

17πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

dropping off the cosby's

to take a crap or shit!

'Hey, don't go in the bathroom just yet. wait for me to drop off the cosby's.'

'say hi to theo for me!'

by JT October 4, 2004

22πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A wonderful warm sticky substance that comes out of a dudes dick.

When I was sucking my boyfriends cock his cum got in my mouth.

by JT September 26, 2003

3595πŸ‘ 2943πŸ‘Ž

Septic Tank

1-A large tank used within waste disposal and sewerage cleansing.
2-In cockney rhyming slang, a yank.

Those stupid septic tanks have just re-elected George Dubya Bush! Bang goes peace! More terrorism activities will happen now, this enacted by the yanks on Iran or Syria!

by JT December 4, 2004

154πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


Blizzforums is a close knit message board community devoted to bitching about stuff that sucks and saying how much Starcraft rules. Points of interest include Chit Chat, where most of the spamming occurs, and Serious Discussion, where the discussion is not serious. Usual topics include how much Bush sucks/rules, and how much God sucks/rules. It also features a long, sordid history of people getting publicly banned, long standing feuds, and ginormous flamewars. In other words, very amusing to watch.

Famous BF Members-

Chaos- mod. Serious asshole. Will debate even when there's nothing to debate. Possible cause for "brain drain" of BF.

Dark Magneto- Conspiracy alarmist. Now enlightening the masses about peak oil.

WinAce- former member, but does chime in from time to time. Very fucking smart. Basically the closest to an atheistic apologist.

Redcloak- admin. One of the few ones left (the others were banned in a huge event), basically just posts pictures in the chick thread.

Protosschick99- former member. Crazy Christian fundie. Also one of six females to post on site.

Jedi_Templar- yours truely. Sees himself as a rebel with a cause, but doesn't make that much of an impact.

by JT February 25, 2005

61πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


High powered, premium stereo system in a car, truck or van, capable of large amounts of bass and treble.

With that system I can hear you a block away.

by JT November 22, 2002

200πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž


an old term that means a stand or holder for a pubic hair wig, also a pearl jam single

my merkinball is huge

by JT February 10, 2004

26πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž