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Committed A Jacob

(Phrase: Doing something extremely stupid, or doing a low iq move)

Ex. When Mr. March took Mrs. Garcia's family away, he committed a Jacob

by Jacob has been commited May 19, 2021

Untitled Melee Game

A game on the platform Roblox, which promotes fatherless children assaulting other fatherless children. Some children are more fatherless than others, such as the Hidden Knife User, or the Baseball Bat jab spammer. You may be lucky to see a Raider, the ultimate fatherless child. He will stick a giant unlubed hammer up your arse. If you play Untitled Melee Game, expect the disappearance of your father.

Person 1: Dude, my father just disappeared!

Person 2: Do you play Untitled Melee Game?

Person 1: Yes!

Person 2: Oh wow retard and you wonder where your father went

by Jacob has been commited May 9, 2022

4👍 2👎


A little pussy bitch who chose USEC in Escape From Tarkov.

Oh my god, you chose USEC over BEAR?

Yeah. I'm a little pussy American bitch.

Yep. You are.

by Jacob has been commited May 9, 2022