Source Code

Strong Bad

a short ignoramus of a wrestler with little green electronic eyes, boxing gloves for hands, and is such an absorbing form of entertainment that you'ld rather starve to death than leave the computer before you finish reading his e-mail

Holy crap, Strongbad is the coolest!

by Jacon (jay-son) August 23, 2003

57πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

oompa-loompa's wiener

Marijauna, i.e., pot; usually, of a less effectual sort. Low buzz factor.

I'm buzzin' on oompa-loompa's wiener

by Jacon (jay-son) August 23, 2003

3πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


Ampersand: a stylized, contractual form of the Latin word "et". Many people incorrectly substitute this symbol for the English word and. Although the Latin word "et" does mean "and", it is improper to substitute "&" for "and". Bad, bad grammar.

In combination with the Roman charater 'c', i.e., "&c." it means et cetera, (etc.).

I went shopping, to the bookstore, &c.

by Jacon (jay-son) September 12, 2003

160πŸ‘ 92πŸ‘Ž

key party

a gathering of swingers where house or car keys are exchanged to determine who fucks who

I took Bill's wife home from the key party last night. My wife could take lessons from that righteous bitch!

by Jacon (jay-son) August 23, 2003

609πŸ‘ 496πŸ‘Ž


Alt spelling for whoopee. It means fucking.

Matt and John made whoopie all night

by Jacon (jay-son) August 23, 2003

190πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž


A popular term for a front-end loading marijuana pipe known also as a bat.

Take a puff off my hitter.

by Jacon (jay-son) August 23, 2003

206πŸ‘ 91πŸ‘Ž

idiot speak

1. Moronic variants of common vulgarities, such as friggin', shiot, biotch, etc. (Sometimes incorrectly referred to ghetto slang).

2. Moronic concoctions that pass as language in systems such as "rap ebonics". "Fo' shizzle my nizzle," and all its relative -izzle cognates are idiot speak.

3. Any locution of George W. Bush, or any other Republican.

1. "That friggin' biotch ate my friggin' shiot," said Dellas, referring to her missing homework. After giving her a good beating, the teacher forbade her to use such idiot speak.

2. Snoop Dog regularly uses idiot speak.

3. The State of the Union address for 2003 was nothing but idiot speak.

by Jacon (jay-son) August 24, 2003

13πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž