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The traits that Jewish parents pass on to their children. Common Jewnetics include the large nose, stinginess, and the Jew Fro.

Guy 1: "Yo, what happened to David Meshulam's nose."
Guy 2: "It's Jewnetic, dude."

by Jako Kot September 11, 2008

10πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


happens after you take a wet shit and don't wipe properly. The overlooked dirt soon dries and feels like shards of glass in your anal cavity. Walking feels like hell and requires much re-adjustment.

shardage is commonly mistaken for torn asshole, which occurs after a poop is too large to fit through your butt at its normal size or after anal sex (ouch and very gay). also mistaken for fire-ass, which occurs after diarrhea and your butthole's exposure to acid

two kids while on a tour of the Musuem of Natural Science:
Kid 1: "Hey, stop pulling at your ass.
Kid 2: "Man I gots da shardage cuz I didn't have enough time to wipe this morning."
Kid 1: "Oooo. Are you sure that wasn't cuz of my dick in yo butthole last night."
Kid 2: "No. Yours is too small for this kind of damage."

by Jako Kot May 14, 2008

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

spread the map

When you grab the skin from your nutsack with both hands and spread it so that it looks like a flat canvas. The veins appear to be rivers outlined by the light thats penetrates through your skin.

Bobby: "Hey man, don't show me your sack."
Joko: "Chill out, I'm just speading the map so that my pubes can get some air."
Bobby: "Stop. My mom might walk in."
Joko: "Oh, well she likes it when I spread the map over her face."

by Jako Kot April 22, 2008

12πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

stuff her deep

when a guy does a girl to the full extent of his dick. this action requires either a nigger dick, a large white dick, or a small pussy.

Guy 1: "Dude, I'll stuff her deep tonight."
Guy 2: "No way man. Your dick is only 6.5 inches. That big vag of her requires at least 8."

by Jako Kot April 24, 2008

17πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Smell Test

Contrary to the clothes and snatch smell test, the post-poop smell test is used to determine whether or not the pooper's hands need cleansing. Positive results = fingers smell like poop = hand has come in contact with butthole = hand-washing necessary. Negative results = finger smell does not resemble feces = successful wipe = hand-washing deemed frivolous

Man 1: Sir, you did not wash your hands?

Man 2: Indeed good fellow. However, my hands smelled of bacon so I know I am safe.

Man 1: Shit. That smell test is the real deal.

by Jako Kot July 26, 2010

6πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

nigger dick lover

a white girl (or white dude) that loves nigger dick. She is not satisfied by the length or width of white dick, so she resorts to the dicks of niggers that can stuff her deep.

Guy 1: "I don't know why Leslie won't give me head."
Guy 2: "Dude, I thought everybody knew. She a nigger dick lover.
Guy 1: "But my dick is pretty big."
Guy 2: "No matter how big it is, it can never be a nigger dick."

by Jako Kot April 24, 2008

132πŸ‘ 163πŸ‘Ž

crank dat robocop

After supermanning dat hoe, take all her money.

Fool, after I superman that hoe, I'm gonna crank dat robocop!

by Jako Kot October 3, 2007

48πŸ‘ 231πŸ‘Ž