Source Code

kayla lichtenstein

a chicken

Dani: look it's a kayla lichtenstein

Sam: it's a nice looking chicken, i have got to say

by Jamaica lady November 18, 2018

sam slone

a crazy, weird, awkward grandma with no teeth who just turns around at random times and yells

Sarah: *turns around* VILLIAM
Kayla: She's being such a SAM SLONE
Dani: Yep, she's so awkward
Sam: Like legit
Hayden: Kayla, want my llama socks

by Jamaica lady November 18, 2018

spill the tea sis

when there is major tea and it needs to be spilled

Kayla: spill the tea sis
Dani: so carisha and samuel hooked up at jamaica's party!!

by Jamaica lady November 18, 2018

15👍 18👎


that awkward guy that always gets back together with his girlfriend a week after their ugly break up

Sam: Wow, Kayla and Hayden got back together?
Dani: Yeah they really pulled a Villiam move


by Jamaica lady November 18, 2018

6👍 10👎