Source Code

Kingdom Hearts

If you can black out the disney characters you're in for one of the best games you'll ever play.

That kingdom hearts game kicks arse.

by Jamie H October 29, 2004

64👍 206👎

milf hunter

some 1 who hunts down milfs and bones them several times and calls them fetish


by Jamie H June 11, 2003

249👍 173👎


Fit mum that was created by an evil scientist and came 2 life with 2 dildos through neck. She is the Queen of all milfs and has DD breasts. Wot a milf.

FRANNYS MUM! (usually taken up the bum, often harm done)

by Jamie H January 12, 2005

14👍 48👎


Fit mum that was created by an evil scientist and came 2 life with 2 dildos through neck

Joe or michaels mum

by Jamie H June 11, 2003

8👍 45👎


Something that is really bad.

Man, that game is wank!

by Jamie H October 29, 2004

8👍 26👎