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A responding answer or call out to something that is to be desired: such as a person, place, food, or thing.

Q: Lets take the rest of the week off and go to Cancun for a stint...sound yummy.

A: Absolutely...yum yum!

Yum Yum take a look at him, he is living walking proof that God shows off...yummy!

Yummy...you have to see this...Man take a look at his tie...yum yum!

Look at all of this good organic food, Yummy just imagine mix'n a lil of this and a lil of that yum yum!

by Jane Nazrat September 22, 2009

150πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž

Funky Bent

A little more than just a case of melancholy, also feeling discombobulated and dejected, left in a state of contemplation.

In a state of feeling as if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, have lost your sense of identity and are seeking answers from God.

I am feeling a Lil' Funky Bent today, so tonight I think that I will take a walk with God and dance with the Angles under the stars.

I am glad Mariah Carey isn't funky bent anymore,her concert was awesome and she sounds better than ever!

by Jane Nazrat September 22, 2009

52πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


The process of removing the tags from items one has purchased, such as clothes, stuffed animalas, furniture.

I should have given this dress a tagectomy before I decided to wear it, this tag is driving me crazy!

My girlfriend Laura gives all of her new clothes a tagectomy and then sews in a new tag with a smaller size!

by Jane Nazrat September 17, 2009

57πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Yum Yum

A responding answer or call out to something that is to be desired: such as a person, place, food, or thing.

Q: Lets take the rest of the week off and go to Cancun for a stint...sound yummy.
A: Absolutely...yum yum!

Yum Yum take a look at him, he is living walking proof that God shows off...yummy!

Yummy...you have to see this...Man take a look at his tie...yum yum!

Look at all of this good organic food, Yummy just imagine mix'n a lil of this and a lil of that yum yum!

by Jane Nazrat September 22, 2009

93πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

S.O.S. ( Shiney Object Syndrome)

Shiney Object Syndrome: is wide spread in women throughout the world namely America, it is a need for Bling, shiney and sparkley objects to adorn their bodies with, such as clothes, jewelry, purses, cell phones and just about any and all fashion accessories!

I can't walk through the mall without having to stop every five feet because of Michelle's S.O.S. ( Shiney Object Syndrome) , she catches all the sparkle and bling with her peripheral vision and has to stop at every store!

by Jane Nazrat September 17, 2009

63πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


A slang term used to reference a womens breast.

Boy, my two idiots sure make these guys act like idiots!

Honey, when you have a pair of idiots like that, you can get any guy to do anything you want!

by Jane Nazrat September 17, 2009

60πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž


Term of endearment used to call ones daughter, used in the same context when one refers to their own son as son.

Wow, daughter...you really did it this time, I knew you could win the championship!

Well, daughter this is your big day, now get out there and sing like you have never sung before and show them how it's done!

by Jane Nazrat March 19, 2010

120πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž