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To check someone for an ID, usually to confirm that one is of legal drinking age or such.
Also completely pointless because who the fuck lets carding get in the way of getting smashed

Jackie got a carding last night, they wouldn't let her touch the booze or any of the good stuff

by Janice Aria May 3, 2015

15👍 40👎


abbreviation for "i don't even know anymore"
derived from idk and idek

person: yo check out this tentacle porn
person 2: wtf
person: ideka

by Janice Aria December 13, 2014

30👍 5👎

Sanjana Ahmed

Hipster chick who's hipster without even trying. So hipster, she was hipster before it was cool. Hipster in a good way. Might need glasses. Can be a bitch, rather opinionated, but keeps quiet and obsesses over things like a fanatic. Percieved as a ditzy idiot but truly she is smart and unpopular with a few close friends she doesn't really like. Is happy with a laptop and Internet and money for bunches of cute clothes. Both mature and immature when necessary. Loved by most people.
(possibly a hardcore yaoi fan - it's always the quiet ones, after all)

"d'you like Sanjana Ahmed?"

by Janice Aria October 25, 2014