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Its when you take what tobacco is left out of discarded "Newport" cigarette butts, roll them into a zigzag-add a used Newport filter....well-ahh you have yourself an OldPort! Courtesy of Jason

Whats that ya got there a NewPort?
Nah, its an OldPort, why you wanna drag??
Ahh yea, no, I think I'll pass....

by Jayare a.k.a. goo1z June 5, 2011

4👍 1👎

The Danny

A Danny is that fast acting dude, just new in town. He’s hip, he’s down. Just who is that guy? Well, ladies he’s no stranger on the social websites, Mr. Rico Suavé himself can you come take me away oh lá lá baby….he loves to race, no time for breaks, speed it up~I mean slow it down, he ain’t trying to hear what you have to say. So you gets the brush off, or what we like to call ‘the Danny’.

The Danny is a sarcastic waive off, like ‘ole boys’ got this one.

by Jayare a.k.a. goo1z January 1, 2022


(adj. & verb) to play possium is to fake the funk. Play asleep is to avoid.

Quit playin possium fool, wake up !

by Jayare a.k.a. goo1z April 25, 2007


(adj. & verb) to play possium is to fake the funk. Play asleep is to avoid.

Quit playin possium fool, wake up !

by Jayare a.k.a. goo1z April 25, 2007

8👍 2👎


Plain & simple - OTS is Off that Shit ! Or "on one".

Wow, look at him go ! He's OTS for sure !

by Jayare a.k.a. goo1z May 28, 2007

279👍 185👎


goo1z means good-shit !

oh yeah, that's some goo1z right there

by Jayare a.k.a. goo1z August 17, 2007

29👍 10👎


It is said with a long “R”. Like when you are agreeing or “backing” someone’s just said statement or comment; or to “second” the notion, if you will. To sum it up. It is commonly used in the book of Ebonics, street slang style type talk.

“Wow, did y’all see the gold on that mother-fucker?”

Answer is “Word”

by Jayare a.k.a. goo1z July 26, 2020