Source Code


Bring your own knife

Package arriving BYOK

by Jayrod64* August 13, 2016

7👍 1👎

you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground

Figure of meaning that someone doesn't know what they're doing.

You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

by Jayrod64* November 25, 2016

16👍 2👎


Bring your own headphones or bring your own headset.

Destiny raid tonight BYOH

by Jayrod64* April 16, 2016

2👍 7👎

Semi proprietary

When a device uses standard or non proprietary connections, yet makes itself proprietary by only working with certain devices. A good example of this is Astro Mixamps and Astro A50 Base Stations. Sure they'll work on PS4, Xbox One, and PC, but the specific Mixamp or Base Station for each platform is needed.

Astro Headsets are semi proprietary

by Jayrod64* December 1, 2019