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(see also woowoo) adj. descriptive of an event or person espousing New Age theories such as energy work, crystal magic, Reiki, bizarrely restrictive diets, or supernatural/paranormal/psychic occurrences; often has studied in an authentic religious tradition such as Hinduism or Zen Buddhism, but now practices an Eastern-influenced yet severely watered-down and Westernized pseudo-mysticism; can also be a synonym for sketchy, probably because Santa Fe, NM and Sedona, AZ, self-proclaimed woo-woo capitals of the world, also have a large and skeptical rock climbing population

She's so woo-woo she put a rose quartz crystal and Bach Flower Essences in her cat's water dish.

That yoga retreat looks completely woo-woo to me.

by Jennifer Lowe October 1, 2005

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