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The 70 foot white creature that hates black people. He stomps on them and he stomps on babies. He also pimp slaps old people.

The opposite if Niggarachi.

by Jerremy Deane November 13, 2003

17👍 10👎

Freddy Kruger

The psychotic serial killa that kills children in their dreams. He uses his razor hand to slice the shit out of bitches.

If it wasn't for that stupid bitch, Freddy would have beat the shit out of Jason.

by Jerremy Deane March 8, 2004

41👍 18👎

Fresh Fish

A new prisoner in any prison.

Prisoner 1: "That new white boy in the shower."
Prisoner 2: "Leave him alone, man."
Prisoner 1: "Hell naw! Fresh Fish on the line!"

by Jerremy Deane November 24, 2003

137👍 12👎