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An intelligent, spiritual spark of life. She knows much more than you think she knows, but lets you think you have the upper hand.

Margo is the giver of all givers. She gets little in return for all the love she gives out. Never mistreat this one because she is favored among people. It will fall on your own head.

She is the best employee any boss could ask for. Once she learns, she masters it. Most times will become your boss. She is quiet in unfamiliar places, but gives you life once she opens up. She is the one you don't want to lose as a family, friend, or romantic interest. She is spicey from her hair to her toes. She is mesmerizing and too easy to fall for. Every time you see her, she looks different. She's life, but cross her the wrong way you or push her too far and life is over for you. Love a Margo, it's hard to find better.

I just need a Margo to tell all my problems to.
That hott girl is such a Margo.
Keep messing with me and I will Margo you.

by Jewels on Wings December 20, 2016

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