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that's good

A phrase to be said in a high pitch by a girl with ginger hair to maximise hilarity, usually after a very serious and shocking statement.

'Ive come off the pills Mickey'

'That's good!'

by Jimmy Pee October 17, 2006

2👍 18👎

rug back

Somebody with a very hairy back, originates from the use of a sheep skin rug used on the back of a person to impersonate a person with a hairy back.

'Guess who i am'

(Picks up a rug and puts it on their back)

'Oh, thats james, he's such a rug back'

by Jimmy Pee October 17, 2006

4👍 6👎

fishy fanny

When a girls legs are open and a smll of fish suddenly creeps up on you, usually originating from the vaginal area.

'OH, FISH. Kadi, shut your legs.'

'You have a fishy fanny'

by Jimmy Pee October 17, 2006

137👍 48👎