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Skydiving involves jumping from an airplane at altitudes typically ranging from 12,000 feet to 14,000 feet…freefalling for about a minute, then deploying a parachute at typically 3,500 feet…and flying the parachute to a designated landing area. Skydiving has become safer in recent years due to a device that will deploy a parachute automatically at a certain altitude for you if you cannot. Skydiving is an extremely fun sport that is challenging and is best suited for the fast thinking, mature, and open minded individual that enjoys doing things with other people. Skydivers are some of the most fun loving people you will ever meet and very few of them are “crazy”. This sport is often called "crazy" by individuals who are not open minded, live vicariously, or simply do not have the balls to try it.

Skydiving is the most fun sport anyone could ever do and you should try it...this summer!

by Joe Bates April 9, 2008

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