Source Code

Strong Bad

The most awsome Friackin Person In the world;The owner of Strong Badia

Put that freakin sandwich down

by Joe Millionare September 4, 2003

8👍 9👎

Online Gaming

1. A thing in which the nerds and social rejects of the world come to join one another in the fine arts of accusing someone of being a "FUCKING H4X0R FAG" or saying "I OWN YOU", all while masked by the anonymity that is the internet.

2. An activity in which, should its contents are taken with a grain of salt, can provide endless hours of happiness.

Nothing like firing up some CS:Source and spraying some offensive logos to watch the hardcore gamer's responses.

by Joe Millionare November 28, 2004

77👍 41👎

DNA Pudding

Yet another term for semen, cum, jizz, man custard, or what have you.

I whipped up a spoonful of DNA Pudding for that cute little bitch at the party.

A mouthful of cock makes the pudding go down!

by Joe Millionare December 7, 2004

31👍 13👎