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To have sex, but before marriage. If you are married, then it's just pain sex. If you are married, see fuck.

If you are religious, fornicating can be against one of your beliefs.

by Joey Blanchette May 17, 2005

732👍 465👎

band geek

A band geek by definition is:
1. A person who calls the band hall their second home.
2. Has the ability to play 5 or more instruments.
3. Participates in musicals, ignoring the long hours of torture, but enjoying it thoroughly.
4. Dates other band geeks.
5. Has no problem repeating things.
6. Has no problem repeating things.
7. Will skip other classes to be in the band.
8. Are always happy, or appear to be, no matter how bad things get.
9. Are the coolest people in school.
10. Are always having fun, through playing, dating, having sex, etc...
11. 200 times better than "orch dorks" and "choir queers" combined, and they know it.

The band geek appears to be a normal student... Until they enter the band hall...

by Joey Blanchette May 12, 2005

223👍 76👎