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Someone who makes the hair on your arms stand up when his name is mentioned. He is the type of guy that a girl would do anything to fuck, even lick a really fat puerto ricans ass crack. When cory walks by girls stare and if he says hello to you, some people even cry. He is that kind of guy that is so beautiful that even when you picture him doing something repulsive, like taking a huge shit, he is still an angel.

"Omg I was walking down the hall today and Cory said hi to me, i threw up on myself and then cried for 20 minutes"

"Yo dude did you see that guy, no homo but i wanna be just like him, he is a cory"

"Fat puerto man, I will lick your butt just to get with that Cory!!!"

by Joey Kyle January 3, 2009

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