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Fort Misery

Slang for Fort Myers, FL. A city in Lee County. It's next door neighbors are Cape Coma and No Fo. It's referred to by many as Fort Misery because it's an unbelievably boring town that has a knack of sucking you in and you can never escape.

Person A: "I wish I could move out of this town."
Person B: "You know that's not going to happen dipshit, you live in Fort Misery. There's no escaping this armpit of the nation."
Person A: "I know, it's like a black hole that you can never escape from. Anyone I've known to move away always ended up coming back..."

by John Boy28 January 15, 2009

51👍 18👎

No Fo

Abbreviation and slang for North Fort Myers, the white trash part of the Fort Myers/Cape Coral, FL area. Home of Suncoast Village aka Scumcoast Village, the largest trailer park in the nation.

Person A: "Where do we got to go to pick up these bitches?"
Person B: "No Fo baby!"
Person A: "No Fo?! Man, you got us on the way to pick up some trailer trash crackheads!"

by John Boy28 January 14, 2009

27👍 11👎