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japs eye

The british slang for the hole on the top of a man's penis.

wookie hole, upper sphincter, purple top, hole in the helmet

Guy 1: So did the "sexy time" go alrite for you last night?
Guy 2: Not really, she shoved her fingers up my japs eye and it HURT.

by John Clarkie January 27, 2008

71πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


Otherwise known as 'Leet', 1337 is Internet slang that replaces letters with numbers. Mostly used by assholes in games or chatrooms who think they are above than everyone, think they can do what they like, think they are cool and think they are hackers. In real life they spend too much time on the computer, refer everyone as n00bs, have no social life and have no friends. If you think your 1337, your gay.

'leet' guy: 0m9 1 t0t411y pwn3d j00 1 4m 50 1337!!
normal guy: Stop talking in numbers you retard.

Translation: Oh my god I totally owned you I am so Leet!!

by John Clarkie April 21, 2008

34πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


When you get stressed out with your computer, you tend to punch the keyboard. The most likely words to come out are "gh".

John: GRRRRRR! Work you stupid computer!
*ghghghghgh gh gh gh gh!!!!!!!!!*

by John Clarkie January 27, 2008

290πŸ‘ 127πŸ‘Ž


1: Another term for cannabis.

2: A swedish spirit.

3: To ejaculate.

4: Semen.

1: I know a farm that grows alot of spunk.

2: I need some heavy booze. Spunk anyone?

3: I masturbated so much i spunked on the ceiling.

4: Is that a spunk stain on your bed?

by John Clarkie January 27, 2008

56πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž


A teenager or young adult that thinks they are hard, cover themselves in "bling", dress in tracksuit clothes, sometimes hoodies, and stink like burberry aftershave and perfume. You usually see them in groups or gangs. Usually they like to cause damage to buildings and other things like roadsigns, and if you tend to approach one they start to intimidate you for no reason. Chav girls are usually fat and wear pink hoodies, preferably the brands mckenzie or bench.

*2 friends in school playground walk past some chavs*
Chav 1: Oi, ugly b**ch, ya startin on me?
Friend 1: I didn't do anything.
Chav 2: Yeh ya did i saw ya! Ya pushed me bruv!
Chav 1: Come on then if ya fink your hard
Friend 2: Piss off, pikeys.

by John Clarkie January 27, 2008

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


An irish term for an idiot.

John: Mum, I smashed the TV!
Mum: Tom you big eejit! Go to your room!

by John Clarkie January 27, 2008

98πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

rubbing the bed

A form of masturbation or "wanking". The male rubs his penis on the bed to masturbate. It is a faster way to approach a male orgasm, because it is rubbing the penis harder than a "hand job" due to more pressure exerted onto the penis.

I was too horny last night, so i decided to start rubbing the bed.

by John Clarkie January 27, 2008

52πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž