Source Code

The Big C.O.

The Big Cookie Overrun. A fat computer nerd.

If I gained 300 pounds and learned fortran I would be The Big C.O.

by John French July 9, 2004

2👍 5👎


anything a fag (or a kid named nick)says, owns, or does

"That homo's bright yellow shirt is faglicious"

by John French March 10, 2004

1👍 10👎


A balding, wimpy, middle-aged computer nerd who enjoys going into chatrooms and pretending to be a young, buff studd.

When i go online the ladies cant get enough of harbdoy_27.

Mom, leave me alone, hardbody_27 is about to get some virtual action

by John French July 9, 2004

13👍 12👎