Source Code


Noun. The juice that forms around the choda of a male (or perineum of the female), between the genitals and anus.

A mixture of sweat plus ass, dick/ball or vag juice.

"Man, I worked up a gigantic amount of McFetty after my long shift in the kitchen."

"I was going down on this chick I picked up at the club and all I could taste was pure McFetty."

"I pissed off the waiter, so we're probably going to get some McFetty on our pizza."

by John Hollick May 3, 2008

2πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


The act of getting one's head hit, either by yourself, or by someone else.

"I stood up in the kitchen and dounksed my head on the open cupboard door."

"I dounksed that idiot with a beer bottle."

"Daniel got dounksed by some old asian lady's purse after he tried to scare her."

by John Hollick July 2, 2008

Pool Table

The moment during a threesome involving 2 males and 1 female where the males' balls collide in the heat of passion.

It's not gay until the balls touch.

"Tom and Jerry were double-teaming Amy in both holes when the place turned into a pool table."

by John Hollick May 3, 2008

21πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


v. Complete and utter dominance in your field. Derived from the monstrosity that is Michael Phelps, record Olympic medalist from the USA.

"Man, I totally Phelpsed that exam."

"I was so into that girl, I Phelpsed her ass up."

"Roddy hit like 2 homeruns and a triple. He totally Phelpsed the game."

by John Hollick August 16, 2008

9πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


A multi-use term for getting some, and/or giving it to someone, with "it" being sex of any sort.

Generally used positively as a verb, and occasionally as a noun.

(v.): "Jon and Christina pulled over into the bushes to whaps."

(v.): "Yo, I'm glad I studied, cuz I whapsed that exam."

(n.): "Did you get whaps from that girl you brought home last night?"

(n.): "Chill out and don't call her for a week -- she's got you caught up in the whaps."

by John Hollick May 3, 2008

26πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


The act of being handled harshly in any way, shape, or form.

Can be used as a positive or negative, though even when used positively, it reflects negatively on the object or thing being "aboboed".

Derived from the meatball-headed Abobo from Double Dragon who only knows one thing -- how to rough you up, and/or throw you over his head.

"Oh man, that math exam aboboed me badly."

"Guy, Tom is so awesome at bowling he abobos those pins."

"That deep fried tofu aboboed my stomache all night long."

by John Hollick December 15, 2007

53πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


n. Person who grows up in a dense urban neighborhood ("downtown") as opposed to the growth-friendly suburbs.

Generally these people are socially awkward, unusually tense, and don't have close personal friends, but rather a large group of acquaintances they call "friends". They know everyone and no one at the same time.

Often flaky.

"I can't handle Irina at these parties, she's such a downtownie."

"She doesn't understand going to play soccer, she's a downtownie."

"There is no way Tom's going to make it out to your jam, he's a downtownie."

by John Hollick May 13, 2008