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A person of complete stupidity and one who probably wears supreme headbands and juul's in class.

Dude Chester is such a PLINKO the guy thinks headbands are cool in 2018.

by John Lasso May 25, 2018

4👍 7👎

Urban Dictionary

A place where internet users put definitions of words on the best platform Urban Dictionary.

Wow I just posted a new word on Urban Dictionary I hope it gets approved

by John Lasso September 22, 2017

10👍 2👎


Commonly used as the basketball game 2k to "Sell" is to not do good as usual or to throw the game away and do bad.

An example of Sell: Man I played with Shawn and he sold the game when we were up 15-0
I hope I don't sell this game I'm usually pretty good

by John Lasso September 22, 2017

175👍 28👎