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not even

term used mostly by drug dealers, meaning that they do not have any drugs left to sell because they have either:
a.)smoked it all; or
b.)sold them all

Eric: You good, man?
Cory: Not even.

by John Motherfucking Lennon November 15, 2006

53👍 94👎


(n.) an unspeakable situaiton where two people hate eachother so intensely that at the mere sight of one of those people or their crew by the other person or their crew result in bloodshed; and any attempts to reconcile the situation also result in bloodshed.

Johnny: You got beef, bitch?
Timmy: Naw, man, i don't take my steak that dark.
Johnny: I am going to kill you.
*punch* *punch* *stab* *stab* *bang* *bang*
Johnny: There, I killed you.

by John Motherfucking Lennon November 28, 2006

7👍 8👎


a variant on the word bitchnigga, it has come to define a homosexual man or a snitch, or both.

Dave: I heard George is a rat.

Lenny: I heard he likes it up the butt.

Jack: Wow, what an assnigga.

by John Motherfucking Lennon November 15, 2006

21👍 34👎

so straight

implies the lack of presence of police or authority figures, usually when something illegal is happening; good to go.

Sarah: The cops just left and won't be back for another hour.

Zack: So straight.

by John Motherfucking Lennon November 15, 2006

6👍 4👎


that after-glow feeling right after one urinates

Alex: I haven't peed in 5 days.
Charlie: When you do, you'll feel a wave of testoclanotamy.

by John Motherfucking Lennon November 28, 2006

2👍 1👎


used to denote a situation which has gone completely wrong and ended badly for most or all parties involved.

Daniel: The police got me on 17 possession charges and I'm going to jail for life!

Nathan: Wow, what a craptastifuck.

by John Motherfucking Lennon November 15, 2006

10👍 2👎


that afterglow feeling one feels after defacating.

Jessie: I haven't pooped in 5 days.
Joe: When you do, you'll feel a wave of protstoclanotamy.

by John Motherfucking Lennon November 28, 2006

6👍 4👎