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comes from the marshalltown, iowa dialect which is 1) low income person or persons aka trailer trash. 2) multi-cultural term including all ethic group for "white trash." 3) Any article or item which is not seen in a middle or high class neighborhood.

The guy wearing the deer antlers and cowboys boots is shoum.

by John S. September 1, 2003

26👍 12👎

Cyber Terrorism

A grossly overstated "threat" contrived by power-hungry fascists to convince Brits & Yanks to surrender yet more of their civil liberties and rights to the government.

London: "People are starting not to fear al-Qa'eda anymore!"

Washington: "Settle down, it'll be okay, we just need a new threat..."

London: "Like what?"

Washington: "Ah I have it! Al-Qa'eda is going to launch 'Cyber Terrorism' attacks from its caves in Afghanistan"

London: "Oh, thank you Uncle Sam, that should shut the public up for a while..."

by John S. June 18, 2006

28👍 110👎

duche fuck

some one who achieves the ranking of a duche bag and a fucker in one fucking duchey act

adam just pissed in your water bottle,
what a duche fuck!

by John S. March 18, 2005

60👍 24👎