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Something most people on Urban Dictionary don't have.

His IQ is about that of someone who uses Urban Dictionary.

by John Tugboat January 3, 2015

736👍 88👎


The soggy parts of the cereal that sit in your bowl after you finish your cereal.

A friend of mine doesn't drink his crope after finishing his cereal. What a waste.

by John Tugboat May 14, 2017

Russian Cinderella

A torture method in which one cuts off their victim's heels and uses crows to peck out their eyes. Inspired by the ending of the original telling of Cinderella.

Person 1 - "He lied to us. What do we do?"
Person 2 - "Give him a Russian Cinderella."

by John Tugboat February 20, 2015

2👍 2👎