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crap herder

Someone who can't resist a yard sale item no matter how fucking useless in either:
a) the attempt to resale said piece of shit for a quarter profit or...
b) thinks they will have a pretty good use for said item later

Patrick was such a crap herder, he picked up some broken tables from the trash collection pile and brought them to work.

by John Wesley February 9, 2008

Blues Brothers Loadout

Honest to God only having a full tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, its night and wearing sunglasses while being at a minimum 106 miles from Chicago or anywhere else. Generally, taking a roadtrip with little or nothing to your name for survival.

I'm headed to Atlanta with a Blues Brothers Loadout.

by John Wesley February 12, 2008

Feral Beaver

Vaginas that used to be tame, loved and well kept that for one reason or another (divorce, inactivity, marriage!, loss of self respect and/or self esteem) have been allowed to revert back to their natural state and overgrown with pubic hair. aka: Feral Monkey

I hooked up with Cindy the other night and she has the biggest Feral Beaver i've ever seen.

You could see Tinas Feral Beaver from across the pool!

by John Wesley February 11, 2008

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


RTFQ(squared). Testing instructions to Read The Fucking Question Twice.

If you're not sure about it, RTFQ2

by John Wesley March 5, 2008

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Needle Ass

An ass so narrow and skinny it resembles the threaded end of a needle. Characterized by the complete absence of butt cheeks, said persons bunghole looks like a cats with their tail up and makes only slight whistle noises when farting.

Can be caused by Noacetol overdoses, noassatall disease, or having a diet consisting solely of pizza bites and mountain dew. Deliberate needle ass conditions can be brought on by the Crack-ho-skinny diet.

Brooke's needle ass made it look like she had a camel toe in the back.

by John Wesley February 12, 2008

20πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Hot Tub Meerkat

The guy in the hot tub that can't quite commit to sitting all the way down in the water so they just kind of wade in, and stand there resembling a meerkat.

I was on my way to the hot tub at the gym when I spotted the Hot Tub Meerkat and decided thats too fucking weird, i'll just hit the steam room.

by John Wesley February 9, 2008

7πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


NF(squared)A(squared). Abbreviation used to describe something thats No Fucking Fun At All.

This trip is really nf2a2.

by John Wesley March 5, 2008