Source Code


A pirate saying used in ancient times that could interpret to almost anything today.

I'm going to kill you and rape your wenches. This is some good grog. My parrot just died. The last time we tried that the ship caught on fire. etc.

by Jon February 7, 2004

308πŸ‘ 114πŸ‘Ž


1337, or "Leet(Elite)" is a computer language mostly used in the early days by hackers. 31337 was the UDP port hacked into on Windows 95. Since then it's been simplified to just 1337. Most hackers used it to 1.) Look like morons who were "cool" and 2.) Make it harder for people with enough intelligence to read REAL words, to track them. Now used mostly by posers, newbies, hackers, and anyone with the brain capacity of a fish.

"l>00l> 1 4/\/\ 50 1337!!!"
"Dude I am so Leet(Elite)"

by Jon March 11, 2005

62πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


Most people who use it are vaugely computor literate, however, most usually nerds. Its great to take the piss out of, although if you do you should watch out. This is because so real hackers, or true "1337s" use it. So if you start cussing off one guy for using 1337, you may get a trojan, and the next you know, some hackers using your comp to download kiddy porn.

1|= (_) (4|\| |¬34|) 7|-|15, (_) |\|33|) 70 937 14||) - this may or may not be true.

by Jon April 5, 2005

18πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


celine hanton

celine hanton 2

by Jon January 7, 2004

13πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


God, the omniscient, primordial and eternal who created man in his own image and therefore posseses a digestive system, sense organs, limbs and other attributes that would be useless to an immortal being. If God came first, what would he eat or walk upon? Why would he have those five senses if nothing to sense yet existed? And if he has 'always' been here, how long did he sit around doing nothing until he decided to invent the Universe? And why? And if he hadn't yet invented the universe, what exactly was he sitting on? Where is he going to exist if there is nothing to exist in? And what is wrong with the idea that we all just expire and disintegrate and rot?

God help us.

by Jon December 26, 2003

7228πŸ‘ 5166πŸ‘Ž


The word basically means your roommates girlfriend who likes to have sex while your enjoying a nice game of madden in the same room. She also knows her boyfriend is extremely sick yet the sex freak she is decides its cool to be infested with bacterial parasites and have a crummy dick in her at the same time. End of story.

Natalie, stop trying to fuck Igor while he is throwing up you nympho!

by Jon February 11, 2005

29πŸ‘ 128πŸ‘Ž


Superhero who happens to post on the internet.

Posts on the internets.

by Jon December 29, 2005

5πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž