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An abbreviation for the Union of Reform Judaism. This organization provides Jews with different way to learn and communicate with the large reform Jewish community. It includes camps such as Eisner, Harlem, and the 6-point sports academy as well as NFTY (see NFTY).

"The URJ has allowed me to find awesome people in NFTY and in Eisner Camp where I had the best experiences of my life"

by Jonny Likes NFTY February 24, 2010

10👍 2👎


An abbreviation for North American Federation of Temple Youth-Garden Empire Region. The best place to be for any Jew in the world, hosting the best Kallot at camp Harlem in Kunkletown, PA. Also known as the best of the 19 regions in NFTY

Sarah: hey Josh you going to the NFTY-GER winter Kallah this week?

Josh:Sure am, and I'm def gonna try to hit it off with Hannah during free time. hbu?

Sarah:yup, and Adam seems really into me so im gonna see what up with him

by Jonny Likes NFTY February 22, 2010

20👍 3👎