Source Code


Noun (mee-durh) origin: Bristol, GB (after the area Southmead)
Used to define a wide range of people who come from a lower form of life (in Hindu culture usually referred to as Untouchables). These people should all be murdered brutally, or they will destroy all the norms. They commonly use words such as 'jitter' to describe anyone else other than them, because they have no brain capacity to relate to different people. They will often be found sitting in parks drinking white lighting or smoking grass (the actual stuff, not canabis) and listening to mainstream urban music (which quite frankly is bollocks) rather than the actual good alternative hip-hop. The tend to think that what is in the charts is talent (the cause of this phenomenon - Chart Music Good, or CMG - is as yet unknown). They will often be seen riding scooters or mopeds for some reason thinking it is acceptable to think that they are being 'cool'. They try to scare common people by being complete knobends and texting endlessly because they are too fat to make proper conversation. These people should be treated with extreme caution before being tied up and gassed.

'Why are you shagging your sister, you fucking meader'
'WHAT?!?!? Jimi Hendrix? Wrist slitting music? You would prefer WHAT? DANCE?!?!? GET AWAY FROM ME YOU INFERNAL MEADER!!!'
'Who's the meader swinging on the gallows pole today?'

by Josh Turnbull April 29, 2005

24πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


(Uh-bate-ihyng): Word randomly yelled in the middle of a conversation that is steeping towards boring, or in moments of awkard silence just to confuse non-abatingers and start a whole better conversation, usually involving reminiscing.

Anna: Yes I've had many periods... You know they say that period pains hurt more than getting kicked in the nuts.

by Josh Turnbull June 29, 2005

15πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


1. A court of manorial lords used to settle local disputes
2. The jurisdiction of this court

John (esquire): Hey, Edmund, didst thou checketh out the leet today? I managede to get a settlemente on the boundaries of mine fallow lands and was verily compensatede with 20 heads of sheep!
Edmund: L33t!
John (esquire): ...Whate?

by Josh Turnbull November 3, 2009

14πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


noun (shpohung-ul) Possibly the best Psytrance/Goa band ever. They consist of two members: Raja Ram and Simon Posford. They are heavily influenced by world music, which Raja Ram is in charge of bringing, often recording flute lines etc and then having them edited and added to by Posford's technical genius.
Posford by himself is simply known as Hallucinagen, which is good, but not nearly as well done as Shpongle.

Please don't use the word in a obscene way.
The band have three albums, and have announced that that is all from them. Of the three albums (Are you Shpongled?, Tales of the Inexpressible and Nothing Lasts... But Nothing is Lost), their last is said to be the pinnacle of trance amazingness. It sounds more like one huge anthem rather than an album, with only two (apparently) external samples, proving that they really do have talent.

Ted: You wanna go see Shpongle tonight?
Bill: No, sorry man, I've got an assignment to be doing.
Ted: Fair enough. See you tomorrow.
Bill: Aww, fuck it, I'll come.
Ted: Excellent. Bring beer.
Bill: I thought you had loads.
Ted: I do, but everyone's bringing some.
Bill: Oh... wicked. ...Carling ok?

by Josh Turnbull September 25, 2006

218πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž

Text talk

noun (tehxt torck) or (txt tlk): Uses: Mobile phones and MSN Messenger. The most annoying form of speech ever, more annoying than French. Widely ununderstandable, it abreviates as much as possible leaving a code which only the author can decrypt. Though it does help the author write it quickly, the recipient must undergo strenuous investigation to be able to reply in an equally confusing manner untill the competition of confusosity gets to such a point, that their grammatically incorrect minds explode a little more.

Common uses:
'lol' (Laugh Out Loud)
'c u l8er' (I am hoping to meet with you in the near future)
'rofl' (Rolling On the Floor Laughing)
'iyuttomiwgms' (If You Use Text Talk Once More I Will Get My Shotgun)

by Josh Turnbull May 15, 2005

195πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž


noun (Cohn-fyouss-oss-it-ie): the form of being confused. When over done, can result in mild brain explosions, meaning that a section of knowledge and memory will be lost forever.

Shit! Stop John from trying to come up with a way that suggests that French might be straight! He's going into confusosity!

by Josh Turnbull May 15, 2005

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Papa Ghede

Noun: (Pah-pah guhay-ed)
Widely celebrated God of Death in Voodoo religion. Is usually seen with a top hat and a monocle, the eye under which is used to protect his food from thieves, as he has a big appetite. He is commonly associated with zombies, and the ability to make the dead walk the earth.

Yo, Papa Ghede, communicated with any dead dudes yet?

by Josh Turnbull June 6, 2005

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž