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Yippee ki-yay

This is the correct spelling, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Commonly proceeded by the words mother and fucker and particularly used towards terrorists.

Watch Die Hard, where else you gonna find one?

by Josh Turnbull June 19, 2005

1390👍 503👎


Noun derived from verb: (Iff-Jyll-Ick-Ay-shun). This word has two completely different meanings and as such should be used with extreme caution.
1. The act of dying slowly
2. A way of cooking red meats invented by the welsh.

1. Oh dear, i seem to be in the process of ifjillication, I'm afraid I'll have to skip lunch.
2. Wow, that lamb was good. How did you cook it, ifjillication?

by Josh Turnbull May 8, 2005