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RAWG: Random Ass White Girl

RAWG–Random Ass White Girl and Random Ass White Guy

In an environment or country, where eurocentric features are not the majority, a local advertising agency inserts a caucasian woman or model to glamorize the product–especially in fashion and cosmetics. It shows how whiteness is held as the standard of beauty regardless of the country or culture. RAWG refers to both the phenomenon and/or the model. RAWG–random ass white guy, less common. Coined by mixed-race singer @Wabisabishala on Instagram. (Definition slightly refined by @tokyovice) Also she notes, that when people in Japan say they think mixed-race children would be beautifully, they invariably mean “White and Japanese”)

RAWG: Random Ass White Girl are these random ass white girls you see in all the ads--even though this is Japan.
What's the deal with all the RAWG in Japanese wedding ads?

by Joshua Noblestone February 7, 2023


A general term for being linguistically dumbfoundedor struggling when attempting translate or interpret someone who speaks incoherent English. Derived from the expressed difficulty of translating President Donald J. Trump into any language but especially Japanese, where the cultural expectation is that a US President will sound 'presidential'.

I didn't know what to make of his remarks about Japanese companies needing to build cars in the United States when they already have been doing so since the 80s, and his incomplete sentences totally trumpfoundedme. In the end, I just tried to guess what he was saying.

I had to translate "grab them by the pussy" on the spot but was trumpfounded for a few seconds. Do I literally say it or metaphorically say it, and if so what's the proper Japanese word for 'pussy' in this case?

by Joshua Noblestone November 9, 2017


Alternate name for "alt-right". Originally referred to uncomfortable bright white underwear for small kids but now refers metaphorically to racist caucasians. From the fact that the whiteness covers up assholes and immaturity, absorbs piss, and makes everyone uncomfortable and isn't something you should wear in public.

The whole Trump administration is a bunch of nutty tighty-whities.

Breitbart is just the usual tight-whitey bullshit news.

by Joshua Noblestone August 24, 2017

21👍 108👎


Face Book Envy: a feeling of irritation and envy mixed with a tinge of FOMO that comes from looking at the posts of your friends and their cherry-picked happy moments, wishing you were just as happy or successful as they appear to be.

I stopped looking at her FB page because all those party photos give my so much FBE that I feel miserable.

by Joshua Noblestone March 11, 2016

3👍 1👎