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fuck cousin

noun; a person with whom you share the common connection of having both slept with the same person, creating an awkward, familial-like connection as a result of you having shared the same sexual partner, albeit at different points in time. It is typically more preferable to be "older" of the fuck cousins, as you engaged in the sexual activity with the intermediary partner prior to the "younger" cousin. Moreover, the newly-discovered fuck cousin-connection transcends and supercedes all other connections you may have previously had with the fuck cousin, whether it be family, friend, or complete stranger.

1) Dude, you know how you fucked Jackie a couple of years ago? Well, Andy just told me he fucked her last week! Looks like you've got yourself a fuck cousin!

2) My creepy Uncle Eddie boned the same chick as me?!? I guess he's no longer my uncle, now he's my creepy Fuck Cousin Eddie.

by Juice May 15, 2011

22πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A man that can't be beaten at anything or a very skilled athletic man who dominates every venture he sets himself to do

A man describe to have the following attributes, the powers of superman the mind of a savant with the social skills of a super spy in any given situation

John; I hate playing with him or against him but more against him
Sam; why

John; he is an Andronicus like the rain man meets superman meets 007

by Juice July 18, 2014

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


what you do to someone who is being dumb

Shut the hell up before I pimpslap you

by Juice April 26, 2003

45πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž


to engage in sexual intercourse

grab you a bitch and skreebunkle

by Juice November 4, 2002

field goal

a term describing the action of receiving oral sex or "getting head" followed by the male counterpart inserting his semen "shooting his load" into the female counterpart's mouth, and then take's a step back and KICKS HER IN THE THROAT! before the female counterpart can swallow "the load" making her choke and regurgitate the semen from her mouth

"Yo dawg, last night this trick ass ho was goin down on my shit and i field goaled that bitch" Tyrone

"OH SNAPS DAWG, you's a straight up pimp homie" Jermaine

by Juice March 20, 2003

13πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Short for Homo Fag Queer

....hey guys lets goto the disco

by Juice January 5, 2005

4πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


The intentional restatement of language as it was originally presented by the author during a business meeting in an unsuccessful attempt to make oneself appear to be intelligent.

Cameron resorted to using Cambonics during our meeting this morning because he had no idea what to say when asked a question about marketing campaign management.

by Juice January 27, 2005