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Our lord and savior of 2020

A) Bro 2020 sucks.
B) Yea. Fauci recently created a veksin
A) Thank god someone is saving us from the worst decade ever

by Just a random chicken nugget February 11, 2022


The wrong to spell ‘Italian’

Yo let’s go to that italien restaurant

by Just a random chicken nugget March 28, 2022


Hopefully not 2020 part 3, because 2020 (and 2021) sucked.

A: Dude this year’s almost over.
B: Good. Let’s hope 2022 will be better.

by Just a random chicken nugget December 31, 2022


Term used for someone who really like flowers, as reference to “Waltz of the Flowers”, one of his compositions.

A) Bro you see that kid across the street?
B) Oh the one who aced plant life I science the other day in my school?
A) Yeah he’s such a Tchaikovsky

by Just a random chicken nugget March 29, 2022

Bad guy


Im the bad guy.


by Just a random chicken nugget April 17, 2022


An instrument in which people like to play meme songs badly on it.

A) Yo you ever seen that Titanic flute fail?
B) *sigh* yea

by Just a random chicken nugget March 5, 2022


Shirt for ‘staler fan’

Yo did u hear about that dream Stan last night?

by Just a random chicken nugget April 27, 2022