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Urban Dictionary. If you want no biases and have an IQ above 2 then use another site(tho Urban Dictionary is already somewhat dying for obvious reasons)

A certain political wing: "Look this definition doesn't align with reddit opinions, flag it to oblivion and dislike it, we be circlejerk so everyone listen to us please don't die site ðŸΒ₯ΒΊ"

by Just blunt July 6, 2021


Dishonest news. Also uses Trump as a punching bag as much as he does to them

CNN: "Fiery but mostly peaceful protests"
*Shows BLM rioters and buildings burning in background*

by Just blunt January 14, 2021

43105πŸ‘ 1333πŸ‘Ž

Joe Biden

His administration recently abandoned civilians in Afghanistan. Is a senile old man that conveniently gets away with sniffing the hair of kids, his old racist takes that would get ANYONE banned off twitter, and who this leftshit biased site loves for obvious reasons.

Want honest opinions of him, go anywhere that isn't a far-left circlejerk, or just look at the most disliked comments on this site

Lefty: Joe Biden is so cool he can rule me anyday

Normie: That old man can't even form a proper sentence

Lefty: REEE!!! *Insert overused "Orange Man Bad" one trick pony that weirdos can never attempt to make Biden look good without here*

by Just blunt September 8, 2021

2πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A self righteous, Christian hating, Muslim loving, self mutilating, censor happy hypocrite.

Claim to be the "resistance" when they'll cancel you on Twitter in a whim.

Claim to be "unheard" when they'll flock you in seconds, and have owned MSM for over a century.

Claim to be "acceptance" when they're quick to belittle and demonize you for having the "wrong" opinion, or just for being straight/male/white.

Dwell in echo chambers like urban dictionary while deleting truthful definitions.

Just like Twitter, 99% of Urban Dictionary users are liberal leftists.

by Just blunt February 6, 2021

190πŸ‘ 98πŸ‘Ž

Gina Carano

When you get in trouble for standing up against popular, self righteous bullies

Eugene: I got suspended today for comparing myself to the Jews because of how my bullies treat me. They've been calling me a Nazi and demonizing me with 911 for so many years but they never got in trouble for it

Frank: You got Gina Carano'd lmao, at least they've proven your point. You have a garbage teacher tho

by Just blunt February 15, 2021

115πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž