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My bish. I mean c'mon, over 6 months now. How kcikass is that.

Hidey is my bish. You touch, you die.

by KaThryn December 9, 2004

4πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

sex slave

1. one who does anything for sex

2. while having sex, the one who is ordered to do sexual acts (oral sex, anyl sex...etc)

"Yo Shaniqua was my sex slave last night and damn did she need a whippin'"

by KaThryn December 29, 2005

592πŸ‘ 428πŸ‘Ž


Cool but in a non-mainstream way. For example Abercrombie may be cool among a certain set, but it will never be spooky.

Poss. derivation from Fox Mulder's nickname on the X-Files because Mulder embodied an outsider ideal of sorts being cute and smart and totally committed to his world view even when it was constantly under attack by all the "normal" people.

A: "Did you see her new Global Frequency tattoo?"

J: "Yeah, it's spooky."

by KaThryn January 18, 2004

161πŸ‘ 149πŸ‘Ž


Alteration of the name Judy

I was with my beloved Joo last night...it was so romantic

by KaThryn January 22, 2005

11πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

geek out

To behave in an overtly geeky manner, esp. if this behavior is a departure from the norm for you (e.g if you are a closeted geek)

On Saturday night I settled in with a big pile of junk food and caffienated beverages to watch the whole original Star Wars trilogy (Empire twice, 'cause it's the best) while reading slashdot and planning my next case mod. But don't tell anyone I totally geeked out

by KaThryn January 18, 2004

41πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž


Substance that will give you cancer.

Deet gave me cancer. Now I can sue and get lots of money. I'm set!

by KaThryn July 11, 2003

5πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

ayn rand

Most noted for her novel Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand was an extremely, extremely hot writer and philosopher who advocated reason, egoism, and capitalism, allegedly on the grounds that existence exists.

Ayn Rand has been admired by many, but laughed at by still more

by KaThryn January 23, 2005

577πŸ‘ 344πŸ‘Ž