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A person who writes peak fiction.

That person wrote index he is kamachi

by Kamachi January 1, 2021

3👍 1👎


Someone generous, helpful, has no goal, only lives because suicide is a cowardly move, cares about his/her friends

That man right there is 4k47

by Kamachi December 30, 2021

Railgun fags

A group of people who believe that railgun is the main series and refuses to listen to the truth.
They are worst evolution of human beings. They can't even be considered humans anymore

r/anime is filled with railgun fags

by Kamachi January 4, 2021


A person of great value.

Someone that's anti fuck-boys
Someone who truly likes their friends
A gentleman

A honorable person

That man right there is 4k

by Kamachi December 30, 2021

6👍 48👎