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Food Hoe

1. A girl who tries to get a date with you (or otherwise use you) just to get food/your money.

I shouldn't have used tinder; it's full of food hoes. They just want me to take them out to get free food.

by Karab okama March 12, 2017

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In-person hot

When someone is attractive in-person but is not photogenic whatsoever.

Guy: Hey check out my new girl!
Friend: She's not even hot...
Guy: No, trust me! She's in-person hot!

by Karab okama August 11, 2019

Microwave dinner

Looks good in pictures but not in reality.

1. A person who is attractive in photos but not in reality. The opposite of in-person hot.

2. A situation that seems great on paper, but is definitely not great once it happens. Similar to Honeypot.

Friend: Hey bro... Check out my girlfriend.
Guy: Dang she's hot....
*Meets her*
Guy: Yeah nvm dude....she's a total microwave dinner.

by Karab okama August 11, 2019


Random Crazy Laughter:

When you suddenly outburst into laughter after thinking about something funny that had happened recently. People usually give you weird stares as you fumble to explain your sudden laughter.

I was at work yesterday when I thought of that joke the other night and had a total RCL.

by Karab okama July 18, 2017

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WoW Brain

When you play World of Warcraft (or another video game) so long that your head hurts and you feel groggy.

Man I can't do my homework anymore. I shouldn't have played for 6 hours today... guessing I have a case of wow brain.

by Karab okama October 12, 2016

carpet cleaner

when you eat a girl out who has a nice patch of carpet downstairs

yeah, that girl did not shave at all... I turned into a carpet cleaner last night

by Karab okama December 12, 2020

1-10 Scale

The scale used to determine the physical attractiveness of another person. Can also include personality, but let's face it, not usually.

Guy 1: hey did you see that girl? She's a total 10 on a 1-10 scale
Guy 2: you know it bro, just got her number

by Karab okama September 17, 2016

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