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Social distancing

An excuse to avoid people you don't wanna see during the Corona pandemic.

Girl: I'm not doing anything today.. so bored...
Me: Wanna hangout?
Girl: oh....Umm I'm social distancing right now.....

*Girl posts on story with her and a group of people later*

by Karab okama March 18, 2020

18πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Convo 3rd wheeling

When two people are having a conversation and you don't really contribute anything, you just kind of feed off of it. Sometimes even through eavesdropping.

Guy 1: Did you see the new marvel movie?
Guy 2: Yeah that was pretty sick!
3rd wheel: Hey me too!

Guy 1 and guy 2: -_- dude stop convo 3rd wheeling

by Karab okama August 11, 2019

Soy boy beta cuck

Used by characters in "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" to describe someone who is a vegan, demasculinized, beta male, cuckold.

You typically associate these guys with vegans, hipsters, man buns/man ponies, typical beta male. The type of guy you'd cuckold and he would like it.

Get your hands off me, you soy boy beta cuck! I will never get a man pony!

by Karab okama July 19, 2020

185πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


when you have sexual intercourse and/or ejaculation while having a micropenis

Johnny came over last night and gave me some good microtransactions with his tiny dick

by Karab okama December 1, 2020

2πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


1:To assert your intelligence over another individual with the intent of proving you're better than them in every way.
2:A nickname for Alabama

Guy 1: I think the answer is 1872?
Guy 2: No. The answer is 1875 idiot.
Guy 1: Stop pulling a Bama

by Karab okama May 28, 2012

15πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

Wap dungeon

The female equivalent of a fap dungeon. A woman creature crawls inside her cave to masturbate to her heart's content

"Someone see Ashley? I haven't seen her all day but her door is locked...."

"Yeah she's in her wap dungeon after watching the latest Bachelor episode"

by Karab okama January 7, 2021

Toilet games

Those stupid app games that you only play because you're bored on the toilet.

Guy 1: Hey man you tried that new golf phone game?
Guy 2: Yeah! That's one of my toilet games! Lol

by Karab okama August 11, 2019