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Eve 6 before Tony Fagenson. It featured Max Collins, Jon Siebels, and a guy named Nick whose last name I can't remember.

Is that Eleventeen CD going to see the light of day?

by Karen Stickney September 17, 2006

21πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


Eve 6 before Tony Fagenson. It featured Max Collins, Jon Siebels, and a guy named Nick whose last name I can't remember.

Is that Eleventeen CD going to see the light of day any time soon?

by Karen Stickney December 17, 2006

12πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


something you can smoke every once in a while. You don't have to smoke them every day. I didn't.

1),Jeff: "What's that? It reminds me of when I was a teenager".
Angie: "Karen smokes".
Me (embarassed that she snitched after she promised me she wouldn't): "ANGIE!"
Angie: "Well, you're the one with the cigarettes in your hand!"
Jeff: "Smokey The Clove".

2) When I was a smoker I didn't smoke my cigarettes every day. How can you smokers manage to smoke a pack or two of cigarettes daily? I could never smoke that much. I only smoked six cigarettes maximum in a day, and that was fine for me.

by Karen Stickney September 29, 2007

168πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž


a song by The Wreckers

(1) "Smoke my cigarettes. I should quit, I know. Maybe someday someone will see my worth, but until then, I'll do just fine with my cigarettes and this old dirt road".

2) If Jessica Harp of The Wreckers met me when she wrote the song "Cigarettes", she'd probably add, "Or Karen's ex-staff will see me in chemo. And, no, I don't smoke cloves like they did, either".

by Karen Stickney November 13, 2007

5πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


someone who claims that the lesser knowns cause all the problems in the world

1)Mindy of "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy" is a snob. She thinks Mandy and her ilk are losers, when in reality, she's no better than them.

2): Mindy: "What losers you and Mandy are, Karen!"
Karen: "At least we're not snobs like you!"
Mindy: "I'm not a snob! I can't believe you said that to me, you abnormal freak!"
Karen: "Normal doesn't exist, retard! And I'm a punk, get it?!"
Mindy: "It's you punks who cause the problems in the world!"
Karen: "What about you snobs? We freaks know that if everyone was "normal" like you, the world would be boring".
Mindy: "And it would be peaceful, too."

by Karen Stickney October 21, 2007

40πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž


To make people foolishly believe something that is not true.

Casey has been brainwashing Sheri, Greg, John, Becky, Billy, and Michael into thinking I'm a bear when I'm not.

by Karen Stickney April 29, 2006

151πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

not the band

phrase you say to music lovers after you say a certain word that may be a band name. A friend of mine always said this to me after he said certain words because he knows I love music. Other variations of this phrase include "Not the singer", "Not the song", "Not the rapper", "Not the group", and "Not the music style". When you say a word that may be a singer's last name, you'd say this:
Mark: Go straight.
Karen: Not George Strait!
Amy: Watch out for that branch!
Karen: Not Michelle Branch!

Alice: Here is the wood that needs to be stained for Sara's sign.
Karen: Not the band!

by Karen Stickney October 29, 2006

1πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž