Source Code


Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, & the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.

by Karl Marx August 14, 2003

25πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


Devotion to material wealth (tangible objects) It is also a philosophy that states that all things, will eventually be explained by physical properties. Most Westerners are materialists. Which means they are bastards who crave material wealth and will go to no end to get more. See Capitalism Materialism will be the downfall of society.

|=|_|(|{ j00, you westerner, materialist bastard.

by Karl Marx October 14, 2004

146πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž

Halo 2

The only device ever created that can exceed the pleasure of sex. Halo 2 will be the best game ever. It is truly tEh 1337 pWnage badasstastic game. Nothing can even compare to Halo 2.

Evil Towel:You will have to choose, Towlie, between saving your friends, or playing Halo 2.
Towlie:I choose, HALO 2!

by Karl Marx November 4, 2004

10πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Star Wars

Beautiful trilogy made by a genius. It has inspired countless video games, books, and fan fiction. Those who have not seen the trilogy yet are sinners, and should repent by watching the movies. The prequels are not Star Wars. They are bastardizations of an excellent story. They don't even make sense. How does such a pussy become the badass that is Darth Vader?

If you like the prequels better than the originals, then you are twisted bastard that would make Hitler vomit! Shame on you George Lucas, how could kill your own work?!

by Karl Marx December 2, 2004

60πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž


1. A people whose main form of crime is drive-by arguments, and police officers with funny hats who cudgel hobos. They are arrogant and annoying bastards.
2. The most prevalant language in todays world, and the cause of a lot of problems i.e when native american children who beaten unless they spoke it. English is a bastardized form of Latin. But even though it is evil, you should still respect it as a language, and stop using it like the morons on Neopets!

omgzzzzzzzzzz did u no dat i cud beet ne1 in a gam of ches. That is a form of bastardized English. Translation: *Lot's of inthusiasm* Did you know that I could beat anyone in a game of Chess? If you wish to see more of Bastardized English, go to the chat boards of www.neopets.com.

by Karl Marx December 19, 2004

201πŸ‘ 277πŸ‘Ž

Jean Chretien

Former Canadian Prime Minister (That means leader of the country for you Americans) and the only guy with the balls to not support Prejudice Bush. He was a fine leader who kept getting re-elected because Canada is full of Liberals(I love this country) He retired because, well I don't no why, and left an asshole in charge. Paul Martin fucked up big. Oh and his speech is off because half of his face is paralyzed.

Fuck you Paul Martin!

by Karl Marx October 26, 2004

97πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž

Fahrenheit 9/11

Best damn movie I've ever seen. Michael Moore is a genius. I don't care what people say about him. He is bringing the facts to everyone. Bush is a lying bastard that started a war for oil profits. BURN BUSH!

Michael Moore is my best friend!

by Karl Marx October 25, 2004

350πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž