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see ihaircut. When a person changes their online identity in some way.

Steve360: Dude you're using a new font color.

Jane2004: Yeah I got an ehaircut

by Karlton Christopher Williams March 30, 2004

92👍 193👎


see also ihaircut. When a person makes a change in their online identity.

Sally got an e-haircut when she changed her screen name on AIM.

by Karlton Christopher Williams March 30, 2004

3👍 8👎


A small change in one's online identity. Comparable to getting a haircut, shaving, or some other real life change in appearance.

FushDabi got an ihaircut when he changed the font he sent messages in.

by Karlton Christopher Williams March 30, 2004

43👍 68👎


not of a real nature

"yo, fool, that fool is a fake MC, he can't represent any of his shit"

"yeah, his lyrics are artificial"

by Karlton Christopher Williams March 31, 2004

36👍 42👎