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The best fucking person to exist. She's gorgeous and amazing and one of the best people to talk to. Her jokes never fail to make me laugh and is always so fun to be around. She's a very loyal and trustworthy friend but will only give u one chance. She dresses so nicely and has every girl wanting to look like her. She owns silk pyjamas and always looks after her hair and skin no matter the time.

Person 1: omg I just ditched anete that fat slag.
Person 2: your loss mate

by Katy Perry 4 life July 1, 2022


The best fucking person to exist. She's gorgeous and amazing and one of the best people to talk to. Her jokes never fail to make me laugh and is always so fun to be around. She's a very loyal and trustworthy friend but will only give u one chance. She dresses so nicely and has every girl wanting to look like her. She owns silk pyjamas and always looks after her hair and skin no matter the time.

Person 1: omg I just ditched anete that fat slag.
Person 2: your loss mate

by Katy Perry 4 life July 1, 2022


Best.friend.ever. One of the best people I've ever met and even will see the minion movie with me😉 she's a gorgeous girl and is honestly amazing. Whenever I'm sad,she's there for me. Whenever I'm happy,she's there to be happy with me. Whenever I succeed in something,she's always there to celebrate with me. We've been friends since last June and has stuck me since then and always will. We will spend every chance we get together and will never chat shit no matter what happened. My bestf nickname is salmon so thats why I used the word salmon,her name is samanta 💪

Me: my mum said u can come over
Salmon: on my way.

by Katy Perry 4 life July 1, 2022