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A generous girl who’s funny. She’s the best to have around for company. A very humble person at times who has very unique qualities and body features and shows her strong side and hides her weakness. At the end of the day, you’ll love her.

Jacob: Yo, Staley is so special. Idky
Chris: It’s just the way she is bro.

by Kawaii Love May 27, 2018

11👍 4👎


A sweet humble girl you just can’t live without. She’ll make you laugh whenever you’re down. She may seem strong, but she has a lot of weakness to herself. Still, she’s a special girl with a unique name.

Chadwick: Yo Staley is so special to me idky
Chris: That’s just the way she is...

by Kawaii Love May 27, 2018

2👍 2👎